Category Archives: Politics

Understanding the War between Russia and Ukraine

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is plastered across both traditional media and social media. Many have immediately taken sides in the war with the far right backing Russia to the mainstream right wing backing Ukraine. The war is being memed in real time, events are being spun for political advantage, and discussion of the war is quickly leaving the realm of rational discourse.

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How The Orville Could Have Had Peace with the Kaylon

owever, there is something that is lacking in The Orville and it stands out: Seth MacFarlane’s politics are too far right for him to fully grasp the setting he has created, based off of Star Trek. If you were to ask FOX News, you would likely hear how Seth MacFarlane is a communist – and there is a Quora thread asking whether he is a socialist or a communist. However, if he were, then this issue would not appear in The Orville.

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Factchecking the Fact checkers: USA Today’s Issues with Factchecking

Factchecking is a vital part of any meaningful discourse – any academic paper will be riddled with citations so you can check if the author is making true claims, my articles, such as this one, are riddled with links so that you can verify that I am not simply making up facts to fit my purpose, and when someone is speaking or tweeting you may need someone to go in and verify what is being said. Part of freedom of thought is that we can have varied opinions on different matters, but it should be bound by a set of facts or, at least, similar sets of facts differing in personal experiences. This consistency in what is real and what is not makes it so that we can have productive discourses on what actions to take because we can simply look at the logic of another person and see whether or not it follows – and sometimes breaking it apart involves bringing in other facts that were originally excluded. This common foundation upon a factual reality allows for logic to be unimpeded.

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Online Broker Robin Hood Protects the Rich

Shortly before the New York Stock Exchange opened today, online broker Robin Hood, decided to save hedge funds from being forced to buy higher priced stock, losing money, by suddenly stopping trading of stocks such as Gamestop (GME), American Multi Cinema (AMC), Blackberry (BB), and Bed Bath and Beyond (BBBY). minutes before the market opened, new trades could not be made and pending trades were cancelled.

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Whatever You Think of Trump’s Bans – It’s Probably Too Simplistic

In the wake of Donald Trump being finally banned by Twitter and Facebook, people seem to be filing into two camps: either the two social media giants are violating Donald Trump’s first amendment rights or the companies are private companies and thus can ban whomever they want. Our stances on what may or may not be done is driven mainly by our opinion of Donald Trump and will likely flip if our opinion flips of whomever else is banned. However, both of these views share one thing in common: they are overly simplistic.

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Donald Trump May Be Guilty of Treason in Capitol Hill Putsch

As discussed before, his followers had waged war on the United States by attacking the Capitol to overthrow the United States government and install Trump as a dictator rather than Joe Biden as president, being the constitutionally established winner of the election, taking power on January 20. I didn’t vote for Joe Biden; I’ve never once voted for the winner of the presidential election in my life after having voted in each election since 2000. However, Joe Biden won the general election without any evidence of malfeasance on his part, but rather clear evidence of malfeasance on the part of Trump. This is treason – they became enemies of the United States; and enemies of the United States must be either a state we have declared war upon, who have declared upon us, or who are involved in an insurrection attacking the United States.

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Treason at the Capitol: Trump Must Be Removed Now

The day started out as Trumpers, at the urging of the President, gathered in front of the Capitol. Around 1 pm EST, the crowd started bumrushing toward the doors, scaling the walls, etc to get into the Capitol and some succeeded around 90 minutes later. Once this started, the “protest” ceased to be lawful or constitutionally protected as it ceased to have any pretext of being peaceful. Police treated the Trump supporters with relative kid gloves, whereas a left wing protest would have seen random violence from the police much earlier and it was only in June that Donald Trump, himself, ordered peaceful protesters be assaulted with tear gas and rubber bullets so that he could walk across the street to take an inappropriate photo op. Senators and Representatives were rushed out of the chambers to shelter in place in their offices while threats of pipe bombs started to show up. Tear gas filled the Senate side of the lobby, a Trump supporter named Ashli Babbit was shot and later died – we do not yet know for sure whether she was shot by another Trump supporter or Capitol police – Trumpers ransacked the chambers and offices while one man declared Donald Trump to have been reelected and Jake Angeli, AKA “The QAnon Shaman,” rambled through notably wearing a fur headdress with bull’s horns.

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Former CIA Director John Brennan Seems to Confirm DAESH Rumors

On Black Friday, former CIA director under the Obama Administration and early on in the Trump Administration, John Brennan expressed his disgust with the extralegal murder of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a top nuclear scientist for Iran across three tweets on Twitter. The attack is believed to have been orchestrated by Israel and suspected to have been given a green light by

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The Electoral College is Archaic and Outdated – but Abolishing it is Not Enough

The electoral college is a unique institution to the United States now and when it was created – though it had been subsequently adopted and abandoned for being undemocratic elsewhere – and has been long considered problematic. Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey led a bipartisan effort to replace the electoral college in 1969 in favor of a direct vote. The

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